Selling Weigh Up Bulls & Cows, Feeder Cattle & New Crop Calves
Weigh Ups 11 AM ***Please note time change due to extreme cold weather.***
Feeder Cattle 11:30 AM
Craig Brock, Hitchcock, 192 BLK STRS, 875-900#
Travis Olson, Hitchcock, 128 BLK, 800-925#
Jeremy Nowell, Tulare, 170 BLK STRS & HFRS, 800-925#
Darrel Reuer, Iroquois, 70 CHR STRS, 750-850#
Ty Hofer, Hitchcock, 148 BLK/RED STRS, 950#
***Due to extreme cold weather,Hohm Farms has postponed bringing in their cattle in until next week, January 28.***